Belief trinity: (Three Gods):
The Trinity (three Gods) actually is not the belief of christians. There was a Jew scholar named "saul". He was a tough enemy of jesus(was born in Alexandria) until the ascension of Jesus(Eesa alaihissalam). Then he disappeared, but he found Hwariyyoon (companions of Jesus Eesa Alaihissla)and he told them that " I found Jesus in clouds and he told me "saul! why you are disappointing me? Go and publish my religion". The Hwaryyin refused to believe except BARNAMAS.
Then he went to Israel and his aim was to eliminate Christianity. He changed his name to "POLOS".
He wrote in his book "Amal" that Jesus made me leader to eliminate Christians.
He established the belief of trinity (Father GOD,Son GOD,The Holy spirit) is one of God's three ways.This belief is like Hindu's (Three morti) belief. First time he called ISA ALAIHISSALAM (JESUS) ibnullah (son of Allah). It is not Christianity that we see in the whole world. Its is just "Polosiat". They accepted islam who were true christians like (Najashi,Salman farsi,wrqa bin nofal,etc Raziallahu anhum). Polos used to say that Adam alaihissalam had sinned (Nauzubillah). And everyone sins because of our father Adam Alaihissalam.Everybody is born with a sinful sin.They need a slave who remove this sin from people. God sent jesus into the world and he hanged for us.This was expiation for us. Now we are free. He opened the door of sin for us.We can do anything we want.
But what is in bibal? the bibal says"the who committed sin, he is responsible for his sin" (ayat 20,bab 18,hizqeel).
The Trinity (three Gods) actually is not the belief of christians. There was a Jew scholar named "saul". He was a tough enemy of jesus(was born in Alexandria) until the ascension of Jesus(Eesa alaihissalam). Then he disappeared, but he found Hwariyyoon (companions of Jesus Eesa Alaihissla)and he told them that " I found Jesus in clouds and he told me "saul! why you are disappointing me? Go and publish my religion". The Hwaryyin refused to believe except BARNAMAS.
Then he went to Israel and his aim was to eliminate Christianity. He changed his name to "POLOS".
He wrote in his book "Amal" that Jesus made me leader to eliminate Christians.
He established the belief of trinity (Father GOD,Son GOD,The Holy spirit) is one of God's three ways.This belief is like Hindu's (Three morti) belief. First time he called ISA ALAIHISSALAM (JESUS) ibnullah (son of Allah). It is not Christianity that we see in the whole world. Its is just "Polosiat". They accepted islam who were true christians like (Najashi,Salman farsi,wrqa bin nofal,etc Raziallahu anhum). Polos used to say that Adam alaihissalam had sinned (Nauzubillah). And everyone sins because of our father Adam Alaihissalam.Everybody is born with a sinful sin.They need a slave who remove this sin from people. God sent jesus into the world and he hanged for us.This was expiation for us. Now we are free. He opened the door of sin for us.We can do anything we want.
But what is in bibal? the bibal says"the who committed sin, he is responsible for his sin" (ayat 20,bab 18,hizqeel).
There are two types of sins for us.One that is related to the rights of Allah.These sins will be forgiven if we apologize for them before Allah. And the 2nd is related to the rights of people.These sins will be forgiven if we request Allah and also the related people, and they accept it. Then no need for any expiation.(aehed nama qadeem.bab hizqeel.ayat 21).